Prototype the future you want to live in

and create a desirable tomorrow.

Jod Kaftan

Executive coach, design leader, fractional consultant, writer and speaker

As an urgent optimist, I always ask those I work with, “How might you have agency in the future you want to live in?” Mindfulness and emotional intelligence training have helped me recognize the pervasive human bias toward negativity (including my own). I’ve learned that when we stay present and self-aware, we can really start asking, “What’s important right now?” We can really start seeing beyond the fear (and the limited choices fear produces). Why this shift? If we don’t create our future with creativity, courage, and compassion for ourselves and others, then whose future will we be living in?

Whether you are an individual or a business, I am here to be your core collaborator. I approach executive coaching under the principle that all my clients have unlimited creativity and prosperity of choice—once we address the inner blocks we all experience, whether they be limiting beliefs or assumptions, we collaborate and re-think what goes on the canvas as we prototype your future together. I also work through the Neol organization to provide fractional consulting to orgs that want to make an impact as a human-centered business

Work With Me

1:1 Coaching

As I am nearing completion of my ICF-Accredited training at iPEC, I am currently accepting a limited number of clients at this time with a particular focus on coaching senior design executives and leaders. As Head of Product Design & Research at Oracle and a former Group Design Director at Accenture Song, I share the first-hand challenges many of you face whether you work in services or client-side. Let’s have an initial call to see if we’re a fit.


I am a certified teacher in mindfulness and emotional intelligence training from the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute. I am also a Master Facilitator in Lego Serious Play and have design thinking certifications at Ideo and Luma Institute. Recently, I completed a Futures Thinking specialization from The Institute of the Future. If there’s something that can be workshopped, I can do it.


I currently work through to provide fractional consulting to organizations and people that need everything from design ops and service design to innovation and strategic foresight guidance. If that sounds like what you’re looking for, then let’s find a way to connect! To learn more about, click below .

Organizations I’ve Worked With

Christopher Morabito, Design Executive, Google

“When you work with Jod, you can’t help but sense the genuine passion he brings to his craft—he absolutely loves this stuff.”